Do I need RSVP Cards for my wedding?

You're probably wondering how necessary rsvp cards are these days, and whether you need to include one in your wedding invitations. 

There are a few things to consider before you make your decision on whether or not to include an rsvp card, such as your guests or even just your personal preference! It might seem like a small thing in the grand scheme of wedding planning, but the decision to include (or not include) an RSVP card can actually have a big impact on your wedding day. I'm going to break it down to help you figure out if an RSVP card is right for you!

My Top Tip!

I love the formality of a traditional rsvp card and return envelope. Saying that, I totally understand why couples might find it easier to have their guests respond online. My top tip is to include the card without the return envelope. A few reasons why...

  • You still get the feel of formality
  • You won't end up cluttering your other cards with too much information, and your guests can easily find how to respond
  • If you're including lots of color in your wedding invitation suite, guess what?! This is an extra opportunity for more! 
  • It creates a nice stack of cards aka the wow factor. When will you be able to send out something so beautiful again? 

Reasons to include an RSVP card with Envelopes:

For accuracy!
It's hands-down the easiest way to keep track of who has and hasn't responded. Sometimes the traditional way of doing things are the best! 

Tracking meal options 
Most wedding websites still don't have this option when you're responding online, so you'll definitely want to consider this before you choose to nix them. 

Your guests
If you're having guests that are a little older (Hi, Grandma!) they might feel more comfortable responding via snail mail. 

For the formality!
Sometimes 'just because' is a good enough reason, especially when it comes to your wedding! However if you are having a more formal affair, I would always suggest to include them to make it feel like it!

Reasons not to have an RSVP card (or envelopes)

If you're on a tighter budget, or your wedding invitations are low on your priority list, that is OKAY! This is your day, and you should manage your budget in a way that's important to you.

You're having a micro/intimate wedding
Maybe you're only inviting your immediate families and closest friends, and you already know they're all coming! In this case, of course there's no need for either an rsvp card, or a formal rsvp card + envelope. 

In conclusion...

I love an RSVP Card because here at Nicety Studio, we focus on how color works together. This tiny card helps create balance, while looking cute. When our couples are opting for digital rsvps, they still use a card 95% of the time...

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